Thursday, July 25, 2013

Fast Weight-loss vs. Slow Weight-loss

My first week on my new diet and exercise program, I lost almost 10 lbs., and I was ecstatic!

I thought to myself - if I can just keep this up for 4 more weeks - I will hit my weight-loss goal of 50 lbs lickety-split!  But then reality set-in, and it has more realistically been 1/2 to 1 lbs loss each week since then.  As of this morning, the scale shows I'm officially down 12.5 lbs., which I don't feel is enough given all the work I've put into exercising hard and eating super healthy.  As a wise-friend has pointed out, "perception is reality."

The first call I made when I weighed the second week and only showed a 1/2 lbs loss was to my mom, and she helped put some light on my "get thin quick" mentality in contrast to a "slower is better" mentality.  To be frank, she told me I had "unrealistic expectations," and that it may take me a year to get the weight off, but taking it off slowly is a "much better way to go."  Okay, okay mom!

Since then, I've been thinking a lot about my expectations and my goal.  A couple of articles on the Mayo Clinic website about weight loss indicate that:
  1. Setting "realistic" goals is a strategy for weight-loss success; 1-2 lbs of weight loss a week is realistic and healthy.
  2. A 1-2 lbs loss is more likely to help me maintain the weight-loss long term (which is exactly what I want; I don't want to be doing this again anytime soon).
  3. Extreme diets require medical supervision as they can be unsafe.
  4. If you lose a lot of weight quickly, it may not be fat that you're losing; it may instead be water and/or lean tissue (since it's hard to burn that may calories in a week).
To lose 1 lbs a week, you must burn 500 more calories a day than you take in; my brother-in-law who is a doctor said weight-loss is "simple math."  As much as I hate to admit it, both Dr. J and my mom are right.

During an "initiation" phase of a diet, you can lose weight quickly because you are combining many new healthy and safe strategies at once with regard to eating and exercise - so it's normal to lose 6-10 lbs in the first two weeks.  After that, however, you should be transitioning to 1-2 lbs weight-loss a week - any more may be a recipe for failure.

I am now working on 1 lbs a week weight-loss, and when I step on the scale, seeing that number as a positive rather than a negative.  Reality is setting in that this may be a "year-long" journey for me to lose 50 lbs.  

I am still feeling very positive that I can keep up my exercise all year; I've recently switched my GYIS boot camp contract from 3 months to a full 12 months; I am really enjoying it, and I want to see it through.  I know exercise will be a big part of helping me achieve my goal, and the GYIS team is supporting me, encouraging me, and making the "get up early to exercise" part fun.

The eating, however, will most likely be a bit more of a challenge; I am feeling "lightly" hungry almost all of the time now...and I am worried that I won't get used it.  Also, I love to eat, so I think this will be a daily challenge to make healthy food choices.  To help me be accountable on this front, I am tracking EVERYTHING I eat in a journal on my iPhone (using the MyFitnessPal app) and my GYIS trainer has permission to see my journal at anytime.  Some days I do better than others, but I have made a commitment to reviewing it daily so I know where I am nutritional-wise and can make deliberate, conscious food choices (e.g. when I decide to splurge a is a real decision on my part rather than a mindless reaction).

I have lots and lots of decisions ahead of me this year; I need to find ways to celebrate my "slow" progress each week as perfection - that I am on a pace that is "just right."

Monday, July 22, 2013

This morning, I ran for a whole minute and liked it!

I was feeling a bit discouraged last week about only losing a half a pound (despite being a little hungry most of the time, eating nutritionally dense foods, and pushing myself during all my workouts) I texted my trainer, and she reminded me of all the great progress I have been making.

And, she's absolutely right...I am making GREAT progress!

I am still reveling in the fact that I no longer need any blood pressure medication; a sign that my cardiovascular health has improved tremendously!  I am making all the right choices with regard to food and not skipping workouts!  My body feels so much stronger.  I have a lot more energy!  And, I no longer have any mysterious pains in my chest (which my doctor dismissed as gas but I suspected was an early sign that I was heading for trouble).

When I started the Get You in Shape (GYIS) Boot Camp 3 weeks ago, I could barely run for 15 seconds without my heart rate going to it's max and me feeling completely out of breath!  Today, I ran for a full minute, including a small set of stairs (I confidently bounced in full-run right up each step without hesitation - another positive sign that yes, my body is getting STRONGER with each day).

And, today's workout was a lot of fun; we used fitness balls with some weight - we threw them in the air, bounced them off of walls, etc. to do an intense upper body workout that also really got your heart rate into an aerobic mode!  We did multi-sets with a partner, and the time just flew by (despite the fact that I was sweating and working hard) because I was enjoying the activity!

I finish every workout with a smile on my face because (dare I say this out-loud) I enjoy getting up early and working out first thing in the morning - I really do!  I like to exercise!  I like to start my day with exercise!  I like to work my body, and I like to sweat!

When the alarm goes off at 5:05 am, it's still a little hard to get out of bed - but once I'm up and my workout clothes are on, I feel just fine.

The bottom line?  The number on the scale can be very misleading. Also, I've learned that I really do enjoy pushing myself physically.  The changes I am making are not short-term fixes but life-long lifestyle changes!  And, my weight-loss journey may take me a year to reach goal, but it's better to take it off slowly...and once I get there, that is not the end of my health and fitness's really just the beginning.

Week 3 is usually where I feel like I want to give-in or give-up - I feel none of those feelings right now - instead, I feel the opposite.  I want to keep going!  I am motivated that I can do this long-term!

This week, as I begin Week 4, I am realizing how good it is to have a support system.  Thank you GYIS and Kristi for giving me just what I need when I need it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feeling a bit discouraged today...

Despite some amazing changes, I am feeling a bit discouraged today.  I stepped on the scale and instead of my weight going down, it's actually gone up a few pounds.  How can that be?  I've been working so hard and not eating junk!  My diet has changed dramatically, and I am pushing my body to do things I didn't think it could do - like running!

I asked my husband to take a new photo of me; I took a photo of myself on Day 1.  Today is Day 17.  While the scale may not be showing what I want to see, I compared the two photos, and I can definitely see that everything has already shrunk a noticeable amount.  Seeing the photos of myself is still quite shocking.  If there is one thing looking at the photos (even with the progress) has done for me this morning, it has shown me that I need to keep going!  I am no where near my goal, and my body still needs to drop a significant amount of weight.

In my heart, I know it will "kill" me if I step on the scale in a week and a half at Boot Camp, and I don't show much weight loss.  It's hard to work this hard and not see a dramatic drop on the scale.  On the other hand, I know I drank some alcohol and ate a "few" things I shouldn't have this weekend...and I am regretting those choices a bit.  95 percent of what I have eaten has been perfect...and I have sweated like never before while working out!  It doesn't seem fair that a few bad choices could derail me to the point of a few pound gain.  But maybe it's not that.  I hear when you do strength training, your muscles will hold more water as they are repairing themselves.

I simply have to keep reminding myself that "Rome wasn't built in a day!"  And that my body is not a machine!  There are hormones, water, muscles (which weigh more than fat) and eating enough for my BMR to consider.  17 days in and I'm already giving myself a little pity...well, NO, this is not going to stop me.  I will just have to put my big girl underwear on and get over it!

Things I am doing well:

1.  Getting up at 5 am and completing a quality workout.
2.  Eliminating all processed food from my diet - absolutely no white flour or white sugar.  I am making solid nutritional choices and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables each day.
3.  Tracking all my food on; my calorie intake sufficient without overeating.

I notice I am feeling "lightly" hungry many times throughout the day...and I am taking this as a good sign that I'm eating when I really need to eat!

My body may resist, but it can only resist weight loss for a short period of time!  I am doing everything right...and I've already dropped a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.  I just need to stick with it!  Right?

Monday, July 15, 2013

Beginning Week 3 - Yes, it's already WEEK 3

Frequently, I like ask myself, "what am I doing well?"  "What is working?"  And, "What can I improve?"

First, I can't believe two weeks has gone by already.  It has flown by, and I already feel so much different.  My blood pressure and resting heart rate have improved!  I have a lot more energy in the afternoon!  I am sleeping more deeply!  And, I have stopped mindlessly eating crap.

It was easier to give up white flour and white sugar this time around than I thought (I have given up refined carbohydrates in the past with other diets and was dreading having to do it again it quite frankly).

Why was it easier to give up all the junk?  I really believe that has something to do with the Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes I am drinking EVERY morning.  They provide excellent nutrition for my body - nutrition that it has probably been missing - and it sets the tone for my day.  They're quick, easy, healthy, and the best part is that I don't have to think about it.  Giving my body something first thing in the morning that is comprehensive and filling has made it easier for me to walk away from empty calories throughout the day.

The other thing that is really working is getting up and working out first thing in the morning - I am basically "paying myself first," before giving my energy to other things like family, work, and school.  I KNOW my cardiovascular health has improved - blood pressure last night was 101/73, and I have not had a blood pressure pill in several days!  My resting heart rate has also improved - it was 65 bpm last night (as opposed to 85 bpm a few weeks go).

I am amazed at how quickly my body is transforming itself!

Do I look a lot different?  To others, probably not.  But, I my clothes are definitely looser (I have lost at least 1 in off most of my measurements - waist, hips, arms, legs!).  And, my skin is a lot less oily and looks a lot clearer/brighter.  I've gotten a few unsolicited compliments from others as well. :)

When I picked up the phone and called GYIS, I didn't believe that I could make this type of progress in such a short period of time.  Actually, I didn't think I had the motivation/energy to make progress at all...little did I know that GYIS was going to provide a lot of support and motivation and that in turn has spurred me into action!  And, now that I've had a taste of success, I really want to keep going!  I really can do this!

So, the things I'm doing well?  Choosing to eat more nutritionally dense foods, eating regular meals including breakfast, tracking ALL my food (using the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone), not skipping workouts, and generally being accountable.

Things to improve...

Okay, in the spirit of accountability.

On Friday morning, after GYIS took all my measurements and weighed me, I slacked off a little and had one flour tortilla with lunch and allowed myself one tortilla chip.  My GYIS trainer took note of it, however, and pointed out (nicely) these were probably not the best choices.

Then, on Saturday, we checked into a hotel in Fort Worth with friends, and I allowed myself to have one cocktail when we were all sitting around in the room gabbing and laughing, which then turned into about eight cocktails (if I'm honest) over the course of the afternoon and evening (I did stop myself before the end of the night, switching to sparkling water with lime, but overall this was not good)!  We are allowed "one bad meal" within proportions each week - I decided to have my "bad meal" out on the town in Fort Worth on Saturday night; I had fried chicken (one piece), french fries (a small amount), and one gourmet "tableside s'more" - all proportions were reasonable!  But, then, I continued on Sunday morning with the hotel breakfast (I had a cinnamon roll and one (small) biscuit with cream gravy) and for lunch I had a Gyro sandwich - not horrible, but not great.

By dinner on Sunday, my husband and I were back home and on track with a healthy salad, but I allowed myself a few meals this week that were "what I wanted" versus just one.  And, the alcohol kills my ability to burn fat - so that is a big no-no.  I will have to make a better plan for the next "social" situation.

I am not going to dwell on the slip too much.  I still "tracked" all of it and know exactly what it cost me, but I also know if I do this every week, I will sabotage my this week, I have to be on the straight and narrow path.

Just as a side note, this type of "slip" often happens to me when I start to have a taste of success; I celebrate the progress by rewarding myself with food and drink...but I know this is dangerous territory, as in past similar scenarios, this is the fatal moment where I give up on my diet and exercise program completely before ever getting close to my goals!

AND, let me just say: "I DON'T WANT TO GIVE UP!"  I don't want to fail!  So, I am dusting myself off now and just continuing on rather than feeling defeated and throwing my hands in the air.  This continuance in itself seems like a win to me.

I am not in this for the short-term gain...these are life-long changes I am seeking to make!  And, I have a goal in mind.  Life happens, but this journey is not about's about persistence!  I will persist - only maybe I need to limit my weekend social engagements for a bit to ensure I am not derailed again anytime soon!?!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Something Wonderful has Happened!

A several days ago, I noticed I was feeling a bit light headed, so I took my blood pressure and it was pretty low.

When I was first prescribed blood pressure medication a few years back, I was in shock and denial that I could have this problem.  In 2007, I remember a doctor telling me, "people pay good money to have blood pressure like yours."  So just a few years later, when I was written a script for blood pressure meds, I remember asking the doctor if it was really necessary and if there was a way I could avoid or eventually get back to not needing them?

The doctor responded by saying that exercise, healthy eating, and weight loss would probably help, but there were "no guarantees."  I remember walking out of her office feeling a bit helpless - as if the "no guarantees" clause she added at the end meant that even if I lost weight and exercised, I wouldn't be successful and would probably be stuck on daily medication for the rest of my life.  I didn't like the idea that I could try and still fail, and I hated even worse the idea that I had to take a pill twice a day for the rest of my life!

I have done Weight Watchers and the 17 Day Diet and successfully lost "some" weight without any exercise over the last few years (only to give up at a certain point and watch my weight creep back up); my blood pressure over those years, however, continued to get a little worse, and the doctor eventually increased my medication an additional 100mg a day.

But, I have some GREAT news!

It's been a week and a half since I started the GYIS Boot Camp and drinking Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes for breakfast (I don't skip breakfast anymore), and it's been two and a half weeks since I started making healthy lower-fat, lower-sodium, more plant-based meals for dinner every night, as well as healthier choices at lunch.  I've been monitoring my blood pressure twice daily - slowly backing off on my medication.  As of this morning, my blood pressure was 98/72, and it's been a couple days since I've taken a single pill.  I will continue to monitor it, but this is really encouraging.

I think the exercise - especially the interval cardio training - has been the key!

Also, did I mention that I am on day four of my 10 day Advocare Herbal Cleanse?  And, that I bought a lottery ticket last night?

I am thrilled with my early successes...and couldn't resist a blog post this morning shouting the good news to the world!

Monday, July 8, 2013

First Week - Done!

Okay, I am not going to lie.  The first week was difficult.  When I woke up Monday morning at 5 am, it was a good thing I had set-out my workout clothes the night before so I didn't have to think too much.

I threw on my clothes, made a glass of ice water, grabbed a protein bar, and was out the door in less than 15 minutes.  Oh, and I brushed my teeth in there somewhere...

They had us in a separate "beginners" area with a trainer (just for us this week, so we could learn to do some of the basic exercises properly and at a slower rate).  I also personally think they didn't want to kill us the first week.  We noticed the much larger, non-beginner group moves at a much faster pace.

During the first five minutes, we stretched; just this was hard for me, and my body wanted to lie on the ground and give-up.  But, I forced myself to keep moving.  The first Monday of the month, Get You in Shape does "fitness testing," so you go through a series of exercises ranging from push-ups to running and you "test" to see how many reps or laps you can do in a minute while your partner records your results.  I didn't think I could do *ANY* pull-ups when the trainer showed me the equalizer and how do to a "modified" pull-up.  In fact, I think I laughed out loud at the thought; imagine my surprise when I did 31 pull-ups in a minute!  Yes, I said 31.  I felt a little less defeated in that moment...and once again, I started to believe...yes, I can do this!

Brad dropped little goodie bags off for us during that first workout that included amongst other things an Advocare shake; I knew the trainer was recommending Advocare, which I immediately dismissed as "not real food" and "not worth the money."  After that first workout, however, around 6:45 am as I arrived home, my body was shaky and in need of nutrition and water.  My husband and I glanced at each other with the same desperate look, and I ran to the pantry to get the blender.  We will try the shake!

The shake samples we had were chocolate flavor.  I added a banana to my husband's for extra sweetness as he is bigger than me and needs some extra calories.  To my amazement, he actually liked it.  Neither of us are huge breakfast eaters; most of the week, we skip breakfast.  The next morning, however, there were no Advocare shake samples, but I had planned ahead and purchased some additional pouches of another meal replacement shake that looked comparable.  My husband and I both felt after Monday that we could "do" a shake for breakfast.  I made it, and handed it to my husband as he was leaving for work; he took one sip and said, "no tastes awful."  He went off saying he would have a handful of trail mix for breakfast.  I drank the shake myself, but I must admit, it wasn't very good.

Tuesday night, Get You in Shape was having an orientation meeting for the Advocare 24-Day Challenge and Summer Slim Down Challenge.  It was at 7:15 pm at Brad's home in Coppell.  In between Get You in Shape workout days, you have a cardio assignment to complete on your own.  Even though I was incredibly tired and sore from the Monday workout, I went out and walked, and even pushed myself to jog for 15 seconds here and there, prior to arriving at Brad's house.  By the time I walked into that meeting, I was feeling exhausted and again, shaky (my body just wasn't used to any exercise).  He told everyone to grab a drink off the tray in the living room and sit down; I had no idea what the drink was, but I figured extra hydration certainly couldn't hurt me.  I drank it...and as the meeting went on, I noticed I was feeling remarkably improved.  Then Brad pointed out that what I was drinking was an Advocare energy drink called Spark. 

Despite my initial resistance to everything Advocare, I found myself signing up for the whole thing - the 24 Day Challenge, the Summer Slim Down Challenge and all the Advocare products to support them.  If Advocare made me feel this great, I knew I had to have some, and I wasn't leaving without getting a box of those chocolate shakes for the next morning (which Brad's wife generously let me have on the honor system)!

It was just as difficult getting-up on Wednesday as it was on Monday.  The workout was hard, but incredibly, I was already feeling stronger!  Thursday was the 4th of July holiday; I didn't really do my cardio, and I allowed myself to have "one bad meal" within proportions.  I still tracked my food though using the MyFitnessPal app on my iPhone.  I was so tired by Thursday, however, that I allowed myself a nap in the early afternoon; I thought I would lay down for 20 minutes, but I immediately fell into a deep sleep and conked-out for over three hours.  On top of that, I went to bed at 10 pm; no fireworks for me this year...too tired.  But, I was very grateful that I was off from work and could allow myself the sleep I needed!

Friday, we got up at 5:00 am and headed to the park, even though my husband and I were technically on vacation and could have gone later in the day.  One of the best things about the 5:30 am workout is seeing the sunrise.  When the alarm went off, I didn't want to move, but once I was out of bed, I was fine...actually less tired than on Monday or Wednesday.  And, after the workout, I felt really good about myself - the way I was eating healthier, exercising, and taking the time to really work on my overall fitness.

I was careful about what I ate and drank the rest of the weekend, and I did some cardio both days; Saturday night we hung out with friends at the pool; while they were drinking beer, I was drinking Spark and then soda water with strawberries and ice in a fun cocktail glass.  I never missed the alcohol; the Spark made me smile, and I was on a natural high because I was feeling so great.

Get You in Shape will take our official measurements at the end of Week Two, but we weighed ourselves at home on Saturday and will continue to do so each week.  So, what were the results?

My husband lost 10 lbs the first week.  I lost 9 lbs.  Yes, it was hard work, but seeing that huge loss on the scale made all that effort seem worth it.  And, I noticed that I am feeling remarkably stronger, and my back isn't hurting me so much.  Finally, I am walking taller and am less tired and winded all the time.  It was really an amazing first week with so many positive changes already!

We are ready for Week Two!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Starting Boot Camp

Even though today is day one of boot camp, this idea that both my husband and I need to be in better shape started in January...or maybe, really it was years ago.  This year, we did the 17 Day Diet just after the New Year, and it worked!  I lost about 10 lbs and my husband lost even more, and then, feeling both a little bored with the limitations of the menu as well as having a strong urge to celebrate our success, we allowed ourselves some donuts one Saturday morning.  And, just like that, we were back to our unhealthy eating habits about the time of the Super Bowl.

I was able to maintain my 10 lbs weight loss for a while, but by May, I had gained back the 10 lbs, and now, just two months later, I think I have gained a total of 18 lbs.  Where did I go so wrong?

And, just for the record, I feel terrible.

My lower back hurts all the time, and especially in the early morning; the pain wakes me up and forces me to get out of bed so I can stretch and try to find relief in a standing or sitting position.

Also, my heart beat seems elevated all the time...and it doesn't take much physically to make my heart race; these are not good signs despite the doctor telling me I am too young to have a heart issue.

I am also incredibly tired.  Around 7 p.m. I slip into my jammies and my Microplush Snuggie and watch television until bed, usually eating cookies, candy, or another sugary snack; the sugar always makes my heart race, which makes me nervous that something is wrong with my heart; this is what I think about as I drift off to sleep.

I went to culinary school, and I've had dietetic and nutrition classes - I know that my sedentary, high-fat, high-sugar, high-processed food lifestyle will eventually lead to diabetes, heart-attack, stroke, or some other serious illness like cancer.  None of these sound very appealing.

But, it's hard to change.  I've been telling myself every day for about two months that tomorrow, I will start a new diet and exercise program.  I feel defeated before I even begin.  I need more serious help, and I know it!

Last year, my husband and I vacationed in Colorado; a friend was getting married, and we love to fly fish, so we planned this incredible 10 day vacation.  We told ourselves that we were going to lose weight and get in shape before the trip, so we would both look good in the photos as well as have the physical stamina to hike cool and fresh rocky mountain streams in search of trout.  We did manage to lose a small amount of weight doing Weight Watchers, but we never exercised, thus when we got to the mountains, we were struggling and tired.

And, honestly, for years now, I've said I'm going to lose weight, but I haven't been able to get below 200 lbs; I'd lose 12-18 lbs and then quit.  Right around the 200 mark, I think to myself, "there's no way I'll ever get below 200," and I mentally give up without much of a fight.

After looking at the website for three weeks, I finally had the nerve to pick up the phone and call.  Brad Linder, one of the owners, answered the phone.  I knew who he was, but when I called, I didn't actually expect to get anyone.  He was super down to earth and immediately put me at ease, explaining how the program worked and that it was for "everyday" "middle-aged" people just like myself.  I felt so relieved, as I was worried it would be a program for elite athletes where my poor athletic ability wouldn't be welcome.

Brad said my timing was perfect, as he was doing an orientation session on Saturday (in just a few days) and that he had new four-week sessions starting on Monday, July 1.  I decided to be bold and sign-up.  Now for the tricky part, getting my husband to go...

Everyone who starts Brad's class must go to orientation first, so it was just a formality for me to attend, but he did take my measurements, weight, and even a "before" photo.  I went home and also took my own "before" photos; in all honestly, I could barely stand to look at them.  I hardly recognized myself.  I filed them away need to torture myself, although the pain of just remembering them is searing.

During the weekend, I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted - like it was my last meal!  What did I have?  A club sandwich, tater tots, and a coke...really, it's not so bad, but I know I will soon be giving up white flour, white sugar, and eating too much fat.  Healthy eating is not rocket science; I like the way Michael Pollan puts it, "Eat food.  Not too much.  Mostly plants."

Fast forward to Sunday night.  I go to bed on-time but can hardly sleep.  I feel like it's Christmas Eve, except the gifts the next morning will be heath and a new body.  Am I allowing myself to feel excited, like I can really do this?  Yes, yes I am!