Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Feeling a bit discouraged today...

Despite some amazing changes, I am feeling a bit discouraged today.  I stepped on the scale and instead of my weight going down, it's actually gone up a few pounds.  How can that be?  I've been working so hard and not eating junk!  My diet has changed dramatically, and I am pushing my body to do things I didn't think it could do - like running!

I asked my husband to take a new photo of me; I took a photo of myself on Day 1.  Today is Day 17.  While the scale may not be showing what I want to see, I compared the two photos, and I can definitely see that everything has already shrunk a noticeable amount.  Seeing the photos of myself is still quite shocking.  If there is one thing looking at the photos (even with the progress) has done for me this morning, it has shown me that I need to keep going!  I am no where near my goal, and my body still needs to drop a significant amount of weight.

In my heart, I know it will "kill" me if I step on the scale in a week and a half at Boot Camp, and I don't show much weight loss.  It's hard to work this hard and not see a dramatic drop on the scale.  On the other hand, I know I drank some alcohol and ate a "few" things I shouldn't have this weekend...and I am regretting those choices a bit.  95 percent of what I have eaten has been perfect...and I have sweated like never before while working out!  It doesn't seem fair that a few bad choices could derail me to the point of a few pound gain.  But maybe it's not that.  I hear when you do strength training, your muscles will hold more water as they are repairing themselves.

I simply have to keep reminding myself that "Rome wasn't built in a day!"  And that my body is not a machine!  There are hormones, water, muscles (which weigh more than fat) and eating enough for my BMR to consider.  17 days in and I'm already giving myself a little pity...well, NO, this is not going to stop me.  I will just have to put my big girl underwear on and get over it!

Things I am doing well:

1.  Getting up at 5 am and completing a quality workout.
2.  Eliminating all processed food from my diet - absolutely no white flour or white sugar.  I am making solid nutritional choices and eating a lot more fruits and vegetables each day.
3.  Tracking all my food on; my calorie intake sufficient without overeating.

I notice I am feeling "lightly" hungry many times throughout the day...and I am taking this as a good sign that I'm eating when I really need to eat!

My body may resist, but it can only resist weight loss for a short period of time!  I am doing everything right...and I've already dropped a significant amount of weight in a short period of time.  I just need to stick with it!  Right?

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