Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Starting Boot Camp

Even though today is day one of boot camp, this idea that both my husband and I need to be in better shape started in January...or maybe, really it was years ago.  This year, we did the 17 Day Diet just after the New Year, and it worked!  I lost about 10 lbs and my husband lost even more, and then, feeling both a little bored with the limitations of the menu as well as having a strong urge to celebrate our success, we allowed ourselves some donuts one Saturday morning.  And, just like that, we were back to our unhealthy eating habits about the time of the Super Bowl.

I was able to maintain my 10 lbs weight loss for a while, but by May, I had gained back the 10 lbs, and now, just two months later, I think I have gained a total of 18 lbs.  Where did I go so wrong?

And, just for the record, I feel terrible.

My lower back hurts all the time, and especially in the early morning; the pain wakes me up and forces me to get out of bed so I can stretch and try to find relief in a standing or sitting position.

Also, my heart beat seems elevated all the time...and it doesn't take much physically to make my heart race; these are not good signs despite the doctor telling me I am too young to have a heart issue.

I am also incredibly tired.  Around 7 p.m. I slip into my jammies and my Microplush Snuggie and watch television until bed, usually eating cookies, candy, or another sugary snack; the sugar always makes my heart race, which makes me nervous that something is wrong with my heart; this is what I think about as I drift off to sleep.

I went to culinary school, and I've had dietetic and nutrition classes - I know that my sedentary, high-fat, high-sugar, high-processed food lifestyle will eventually lead to diabetes, heart-attack, stroke, or some other serious illness like cancer.  None of these sound very appealing.

But, it's hard to change.  I've been telling myself every day for about two months that tomorrow, I will start a new diet and exercise program.  I feel defeated before I even begin.  I need more serious help, and I know it!

Last year, my husband and I vacationed in Colorado; a friend was getting married, and we love to fly fish, so we planned this incredible 10 day vacation.  We told ourselves that we were going to lose weight and get in shape before the trip, so we would both look good in the photos as well as have the physical stamina to hike cool and fresh rocky mountain streams in search of trout.  We did manage to lose a small amount of weight doing Weight Watchers, but we never exercised, thus when we got to the mountains, we were struggling and tired.

And, honestly, for years now, I've said I'm going to lose weight, but I haven't been able to get below 200 lbs; I'd lose 12-18 lbs and then quit.  Right around the 200 mark, I think to myself, "there's no way I'll ever get below 200," and I mentally give up without much of a fight.

After looking at the GetYouinShape.com website for three weeks, I finally had the nerve to pick up the phone and call.  Brad Linder, one of the owners, answered the phone.  I knew who he was, but when I called, I didn't actually expect to get anyone.  He was super down to earth and immediately put me at ease, explaining how the program worked and that it was for "everyday" "middle-aged" people just like myself.  I felt so relieved, as I was worried it would be a program for elite athletes where my poor athletic ability wouldn't be welcome.

Brad said my timing was perfect, as he was doing an orientation session on Saturday (in just a few days) and that he had new four-week sessions starting on Monday, July 1.  I decided to be bold and sign-up.  Now for the tricky part, getting my husband to go...

Everyone who starts Brad's class must go to orientation first, so it was just a formality for me to attend, but he did take my measurements, weight, and even a "before" photo.  I went home and also took my own "before" photos; in all honestly, I could barely stand to look at them.  I hardly recognized myself.  I filed them away quickly...no need to torture myself, although the pain of just remembering them is searing.

During the weekend, I allowed myself to eat whatever I wanted - like it was my last meal!  What did I have?  A club sandwich, tater tots, and a coke...really, it's not so bad, but I know I will soon be giving up white flour, white sugar, and eating too much fat.  Healthy eating is not rocket science; I like the way Michael Pollan puts it, "Eat food.  Not too much.  Mostly plants."

Fast forward to Sunday night.  I go to bed on-time but can hardly sleep.  I feel like it's Christmas Eve, except the gifts the next morning will be heath and a new body.  Am I allowing myself to feel excited, like I can really do this?  Yes, yes I am!

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