Thursday, July 11, 2013

Something Wonderful has Happened!

A several days ago, I noticed I was feeling a bit light headed, so I took my blood pressure and it was pretty low.

When I was first prescribed blood pressure medication a few years back, I was in shock and denial that I could have this problem.  In 2007, I remember a doctor telling me, "people pay good money to have blood pressure like yours."  So just a few years later, when I was written a script for blood pressure meds, I remember asking the doctor if it was really necessary and if there was a way I could avoid or eventually get back to not needing them?

The doctor responded by saying that exercise, healthy eating, and weight loss would probably help, but there were "no guarantees."  I remember walking out of her office feeling a bit helpless - as if the "no guarantees" clause she added at the end meant that even if I lost weight and exercised, I wouldn't be successful and would probably be stuck on daily medication for the rest of my life.  I didn't like the idea that I could try and still fail, and I hated even worse the idea that I had to take a pill twice a day for the rest of my life!

I have done Weight Watchers and the 17 Day Diet and successfully lost "some" weight without any exercise over the last few years (only to give up at a certain point and watch my weight creep back up); my blood pressure over those years, however, continued to get a little worse, and the doctor eventually increased my medication an additional 100mg a day.

But, I have some GREAT news!

It's been a week and a half since I started the GYIS Boot Camp and drinking Advocare Meal Replacement Shakes for breakfast (I don't skip breakfast anymore), and it's been two and a half weeks since I started making healthy lower-fat, lower-sodium, more plant-based meals for dinner every night, as well as healthier choices at lunch.  I've been monitoring my blood pressure twice daily - slowly backing off on my medication.  As of this morning, my blood pressure was 98/72, and it's been a couple days since I've taken a single pill.  I will continue to monitor it, but this is really encouraging.

I think the exercise - especially the interval cardio training - has been the key!

Also, did I mention that I am on day four of my 10 day Advocare Herbal Cleanse?  And, that I bought a lottery ticket last night?

I am thrilled with my early successes...and couldn't resist a blog post this morning shouting the good news to the world!

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