Monday, July 22, 2013

This morning, I ran for a whole minute and liked it!

I was feeling a bit discouraged last week about only losing a half a pound (despite being a little hungry most of the time, eating nutritionally dense foods, and pushing myself during all my workouts) I texted my trainer, and she reminded me of all the great progress I have been making.

And, she's absolutely right...I am making GREAT progress!

I am still reveling in the fact that I no longer need any blood pressure medication; a sign that my cardiovascular health has improved tremendously!  I am making all the right choices with regard to food and not skipping workouts!  My body feels so much stronger.  I have a lot more energy!  And, I no longer have any mysterious pains in my chest (which my doctor dismissed as gas but I suspected was an early sign that I was heading for trouble).

When I started the Get You in Shape (GYIS) Boot Camp 3 weeks ago, I could barely run for 15 seconds without my heart rate going to it's max and me feeling completely out of breath!  Today, I ran for a full minute, including a small set of stairs (I confidently bounced in full-run right up each step without hesitation - another positive sign that yes, my body is getting STRONGER with each day).

And, today's workout was a lot of fun; we used fitness balls with some weight - we threw them in the air, bounced them off of walls, etc. to do an intense upper body workout that also really got your heart rate into an aerobic mode!  We did multi-sets with a partner, and the time just flew by (despite the fact that I was sweating and working hard) because I was enjoying the activity!

I finish every workout with a smile on my face because (dare I say this out-loud) I enjoy getting up early and working out first thing in the morning - I really do!  I like to exercise!  I like to start my day with exercise!  I like to work my body, and I like to sweat!

When the alarm goes off at 5:05 am, it's still a little hard to get out of bed - but once I'm up and my workout clothes are on, I feel just fine.

The bottom line?  The number on the scale can be very misleading. Also, I've learned that I really do enjoy pushing myself physically.  The changes I am making are not short-term fixes but life-long lifestyle changes!  And, my weight-loss journey may take me a year to reach goal, but it's better to take it off slowly...and once I get there, that is not the end of my health and fitness's really just the beginning.

Week 3 is usually where I feel like I want to give-in or give-up - I feel none of those feelings right now - instead, I feel the opposite.  I want to keep going!  I am motivated that I can do this long-term!

This week, as I begin Week 4, I am realizing how good it is to have a support system.  Thank you GYIS and Kristi for giving me just what I need when I need it.

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